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6. Test Prompty Code Changes

Now, let's try to make a change that will be visible in the /api/create_response route handling.

  1. Open src/api/contoso_chat/chat.prompty
    • Find the system: section of the file
    • Add Start every response with "THE ANSWER IS 42!" to the end
    • Save the changes.
  2. Return to the browser page for our FastAPI dev server preview.
  3. Append /docs to the URL to get the Swagger UI interactive testing page
  4. Expand the POST section and click Try it out
    • Specify a question: What camping stove should I get?
    • Specify a customer_id: try 1 ("John Smith")
    • Specify chat_history: leave it at [] for now

Note: this is the same question we tried in Step 3. Did you see the difference in the output?

Challenge: Try making other changes to the prompty file or the get_request function and observe impact.

CONGRATULATIONS. You tested code changes to the Prompty asset, live.