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1.1 Learning ObjectivesΒΆ

This workshop focuses on providing developers with an end-to-end workflow using the Azure AI Foundry Portal for development. It is assembled using a diverse set of resources from the official documentation.

This lab teaches you how to build a RAG-based copilot using the Azure AI Foundry Portal as the default developer environment. By completing this lab, you'll gain a complete understanding of the Azure AI Foundry Portal features and learn to do the following tasks:

  1. SETUP your Azure AI Foundry Project
    • create a new Azure AI project
    • customize it by creating a new Azure AI hub resource
    • customize it by adding an Azure AI Search resource
    • customize it by adding an Application Insights resource
  2. SELECT models from Azure AI model catalog
  3. ADD DATA to your application using the RAG pattern
  4. EVALUATE your application using built-in evaluators
  5. DEPLOY your application from the portal

BONUS β†’ Once you've completed this exercise, try the Hybrid Workshop to get your first experience with the Azure AI Foundry SDK for a code-first development workflow.