1.1 Learning ObjectivesΒΆ
This workshop focuses on providing developers with an end-to-end workflow using the Azure AI Foundry Portal for development. It is assembled using a diverse set of resources from the official documentation.
This lab teaches you how to build a RAG-based copilot using the Azure AI Foundry Portal as the default developer environment. By completing this lab, you'll gain a complete understanding of the Azure AI Foundry Portal features and learn to do the following tasks:
- SETUP your Azure AI Foundry Project
- create a new Azure AI project
- customize it by creating a new Azure AI hub resource
- customize it by adding an Azure AI Search resource
- customize it by adding an Application Insights resource
- SELECT models from Azure AI model catalog
- ADD DATA to your application using the RAG pattern
- EVALUATE your application using built-in evaluators
- DEPLOY your application from the portal